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Rapper Orchestrate96 is an up-and-coming Nigerian-American

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    As a musical genre, rap blends music into poetry. This has given artists over the decades the freedom to attain their creative best with the genre. With contemporary rappers and songwriters, this genre has reached a whole new level, creating a medley of emotions, rhythm, and culture. One such energetic artist is Orchestrate96. Utomwen Irabor is more popular as "Orchestrate96" in the Houston music scene. He also set the internet on fire, earning millions of streams on digital music platforms.

    Orchestrate96 is a young Nigerian American rapper and songwriter known for introducing a cultural perspective to rap. This is how Orchestrate96 connected West Africa with the sounds of Houston through his music. With a series of hit singles and two albums to his name, Orchestrate96 quickly claimed his place in the industry as a rising artist. He also worked with several big names from the music space and is inspiring aspiring artists with his journey.

    Starting his journey in 2018 as a music producer, Orchestrate96 came to the spotlight with his debut release "Dirty Dance" in 2018. After dropping 3 hits in 2019, the young artist released his album in July 2020 titled Young and Naive. Following the album’s incredible success, Orchestrate96 dropped the song “Up" in March 2022, which is the lead single of his second studio album, Money Baby, released in July of the same year. The album was inspired by Proverbs 13:22 showcasing Orchestrate96's mastery over blending music with culture to connect with the audience at a deeper level.

    Orchestrate96 collaborated with renowned artists OMB Bloodbath and Space KID in a song titled “Pop Out” that became a massive hit. With Money Baby earning more than 200K streams on the digital platform and two successful studio albums under his belt, Orchestrate96 has cemented his position as a rapper in the industry. As a young achiever in the American rapping scene, Orchestrate96’s persona imitates one that wants to be a role model to budding artists, inspiring them to chase their goals and find financial freedom.

    The road to success for this young artist was challenging. The greatest was gaining his audience as a newbie in the industry. In an industry that thrives on trends, gaining momentary fame would have been easy, but Orchestrate96 wanted people to love him for his unique style and not as a cheap imitation of some artist. He continued grinding, consistently releasing music, and collaborating with artists in his genre. Eventually, his talent was recognized, and Orchestrate96 found his genuine follower base in people who truly connect with his music.


    Article information

    Author: Mark Miller

    Last Updated: 1703238722

    Views: 686

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    Author information

    Name: Mark Miller

    Birthday: 2000-02-04

    Address: 252 Ryan Via, Martinezbury, AR 67762

    Phone: +3699538323084475

    Job: Physiotherapist

    Hobby: Rock Climbing, Puzzle Solving, Badminton, Photography, Poker, Pottery, Table Tennis

    Introduction: My name is Mark Miller, I am a intrepid, receptive, artistic, tenacious, unyielding, daring, multicolored person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.