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Practical Boat Owner: A Recall of Kannad SAFELINK EPIRBs

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    Kannad Marine has instigated a global recall programme following a problem with the company's SAFELINK Manual and Auto GPS EPIRBs



    Kannad Marine has highlighted a concern with two of its EPIRB products which could mean they fail in an emergency. A global recall has been initiated for the affected beacon types.

    Boat owners are being urged to check their Kannad Marine SAFELINK Manual and Auto GPS EPIRBs after the discovery of an issue which could result in the beacon failing to operate in an emergency.

    Cause of the problem

    The SAFELINK EPIRB’s yellow body plastic may prematurely age when subjected to specific environmental conditions. This has the potential to impact its long term effectiveness.

    The models with part numbers K1202367 or K1202367 are the only Kannad Marine products affected.
    Owners of the affected EPIRB types should not rely on these products as Search and Rescue beacons on board any Ship or Vessel.

    As a matter of urgency owners should register their affected beacons, their location and contact details via the dedicated website: www.safelinkepirbsupport.co.uk

    In a statement, Kannad Marine said the plastic’s premature ageing “may impact” the effectiveness of the beacon in a “very small number of cases.”

    However, the company believes it’s important “to take broader preventative actions to respond to this situation promptly and comprehensively” for customer’s safety.

    Action to take

    Anyone who suspects they might have an affected beacon is being advised not to use the SAFELINK as the primary search and rescue beacon on board.

    Customers are being asked to register ownership, location and contact details via a dedicated website: http://www.safelinkepirbsupport.co.uk/

    Once registered, a Kannad support team will direct customers to their local partner to arrange a replacement. The EPIRB will be replaced with a Kannad Sport Pro + Auto or Manual, with a five year warranty, free of charge.

    For any further information, please contact Kannad Marine via www.safelinkepirbsupport.co.uk or email [email protected] and UK Tel: +44 (0) 23 9262 3950.

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    Article information

    Author: Nicholas Griffin

    Last Updated: 1703444282

    Views: 831

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    Author information

    Name: Nicholas Griffin

    Birthday: 1996-12-19

    Address: 10055 Stevens Harbor, North Katrina, KS 77321

    Phone: +3545748177757334

    Job: Blockchain Developer

    Hobby: Fencing, Poker, Surfing, Juggling, Scuba Diving, Painting, Motorcycling

    Introduction: My name is Nicholas Griffin, I am a lively, striking, resolute, fearless, enterprising, forthright, artistic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.